InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHA Story of a Modern ManIn the epochs of antiquity, when humanity dwelt in disparate tribes across sprawling landscapes, their consciousness was unenlightened to…Nov 8, 2022Nov 8, 2022
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHContemporary Crisis of Liberal Internationalism and ModernityLiberalism, as a political ideology, has had a profound impact on the world over the past two centuries. Its origins can be traced back to…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHRising Ideological Tensions, Nationalism, Xenophobia, and Religious DemarcationIt is a fact that the post-World War II era witnessed a major shift in the global political landscape. The ideologies that had fueled the…Oct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHClash of civilizations, Islamophobia and World war IIIPost 9/11 IslamophobiaMar 27, 2023Mar 27, 2023
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHRise of Chinese digital authoritarianismSince the second world war, state power has risen to control almost all forms and kinds of matters both locally and globally. New forms of…Dec 20, 2020Dec 20, 2020
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHReligious fundamentalism in the wake of global racismMar 26, 2023Mar 26, 2023
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHPakistan-Israel controversial ties and regional political instabilitySince the United States has normalized its connections with Israel at frontier levels, the tensions in the middle eastern region have…Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
InTHE 21st CENTURYbyHAMZA ABDULLAHBiological Warefare, Bioweapons, and the Future of War StrategiesThe world was in shock when the news of a mysterious illness spreading rapidly in the Chinese city of Wuhan first broke out in December…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHRace to digitalisation opening the new frontier to HumanityWe have seen a drastic change in sociology, economics, and philosophical understanding of fundamental questions due to the astonishing…Nov 3, 2021Nov 3, 2021
InTHE 21st CENTURYbyHAMZA ABDULLAHChinese lead in Quantum computation claiming Quantum SupremacyQuantum computation is among the exponentially growing technology, that significantly progressed over the years developing, few qubits to…Dec 7, 2020Dec 7, 2020
InideolojibyHAMZA ABDULLAHTHORIUM and the Future of Cheap & Clean EnergyThorium is the 39th most abundant metal available in the earth’s crust. Soil also contains an average of 6 wppm of thorium. It is about…Dec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020